DOPE 2013

Program (1.01 MB)

Third Annual Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference

February 28 - March 2, 2013

Meeting Details

Preconference Address
Vandana Shiva

Opening Address: 'From Green New Deal to Earth System Governance: Will there be Life after the "Green Economy"?'
Ariel Salleh
Political Economy
Univerisity of Sydney

Keynote: 'Limits to Governance'
Dr. Arun Agrawal
Natural Resources & Environment
Univerisity of Michigan

Plenary Panel: 'Political Ecology: Pasts, Present, Futures'
Dr. Tom Bassett
University of Illinois

Dr. Rebecca Lave
Indiana University

Dr. Paul Robbins (Moderator)
University of Wisconsin
Dr. Becky Mansfield
Ohio State University

Dr. Damian White
Rhode Island School of Design